A wonderful week of walking!

A wonderful week of walking!

The 5th Stevenage Walking Festival takes place on 6th to 14th May 2017
This fantastic week of events is put together, with the support of Stevenage Borough Council, by members of Stevenage Leisure 50, North Herts Ramblers, and Stevenage Health Walks group.
The festival will be officially opened by the Mayor of Stevenage on 6th May at 9.15am at the STEVENAGE SHOWGROUND (opposite lamex footballground, Broadhall Way SG2 8RH).
This year, Home-Start Herts are delighted to be the chosen charity for the festival and we will be at the opening to tell you a bit about what we do and share in the fun.
There’s a whole program of walks scheduled each day across the week, with a mix of short, medium and long walks,  so you are sure to find a time and route to suit, or if you are really keen, you can walk every day!

Please note that there is a special Home-Start Family Walk on Saturday 13th May –  A walk for everybody, big or little, with sponsorship going to the charity.

Stevenage has some beaustiful walking areas, both within the boundaries of the Borough, and in the surrounding countryside, and with fingers crossed for good weather – it will be a great week of trekking through the great outdoors.

For more inofmation on the walking festival, please visit the website HERE


If you want more specific information please contact Harold Stokes or Terry Ingle