Fab fundraising in May

Fab fundraising in May

We have had such a diverse range of events and fundraising activities going on during May, it has been fantastic.

We started of the month gently with The Barn Theatre Welwyn, putting on a fundraising preview of the play ‘Kindertransport’.

So far the event has raised £1618 via the raffle and we are awaiting news on the amount still to come from ticket sales.

5 Rings Group, one of our corporate partners, held their annual ‘ 3 Club Golf Day’ at Mid Herts Golf Club. Golfers from businesses across Hertfordshire and the South East enjoyed excellent playing conditions and an amazing £2,640 was raised from the event.

The climax of the month was our annual skydive.  Six brave Home-Start supporters took to the skies to jump out of a plane from 10,000 feet! So far they have collectively raised over £2000 and money is still flying in. We would like to extend a massive thank you to those who took part – two of whom already want to do it again next year!

Several community organisations also supported us; The Mission Giving Team at St Albans Cathedral made a very generous donation of  £1000 to help us support a family and Waitrose in Hitchin donated £270 from their Community Matters program (green chip scheme).

If you want to support Home-Start Herts and help us raise more money to ensure we can help parents give their children the best start in life, please get in touch on 01438 367788